So, at the current moment I am in the car. Yerp... traveling along the freeway at 70 mph.
This holiday weekend I am headed towards Michigan for a giant family reunion at the beach.
Exciting? Maybe.
Long @$$ drive? Oh, you bet.
After all, this drive is supposed to only be about 6 hours. And we are nearing our 7th hour in the car. Granted, I should be nice and give some slack for the ridiculus amount of traffic, the uber long line to buy fireworks, and these never ending amount of large trucks that keep cutting into the left lane.
Either way...
Road trips with your family become more restless than road trips with your friends.
It probably doesn't help that your brother is passed out in the back, your dad keeps trying to talk to you (while you're watching a movie), and it's pitch dark outside.
The only thing keeping mee sane, needless to say is my laptop and phone. Both supplying mee with entertainment. Or whatever is close enough to it. Jeesh, I sound like such a typical teen- angst.
Thanks for dealing with my rant. Or boredom. Who knows. Probably both.
Have a safe and happy Fourth of July everybody!
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